Not So Smooth Moves Part 2 – My Military Lifestyle

Welcome back to Part 2 on the road trip through some “Not So Smooth Moves”. Please be sure to check back next week as we continue along our bumpy ride.

Christmas K.

“On our PCS from Mississippi to Omaha, we had cops show up at both our unload and offload!”

Jennine E.

“We were PCSing from Washington to Nebraska.

It’s the beginning of February and freezing and we wanted to be on the road before 6. My husband and I get up really early and start loading the last of the stuff into our van before waking the kids. Both our little dogs slip out and we’re running around TLF trying to find them in the dark. Finally catch them, hubby puts them in the van and turns it on to start warming it up.

Everything is in the van at this point with the dogs. The dogs step on the lock button, my husband’s key is in the ignition and mine is in my purse….in the car. Had to call to get someone to come and open it with that inflatable pad thing. Took over 2 hrs for someone to come through. The pad also messed up the door so there was cold air and a lot of noise the entire drive. Not the worst things that could happen, but man did it make a stressful start.”

Kim G.

“Our latest PCS we drove straight through from Albuquerque. I got pulled over for having a headlight that was out. We had 2 cars, 2 dogs, 2 kids. We finally arrive at our new house exhausted at like 1-2am. The garage code doesn’t work so we tried to find a hotel in town and for some unknown reason ALL of them were completely booked. We ended up sleeping in our cars in the driveway of our new home. Was exhausting at the time but I think it’s pretty funny to think about now.”

This is what we like to call a convoy.

Source link: by Cassi Anderson at